Khamis, 26 April 2012

.:: kitalah weyh!!! ::.

INILAH KAMI!!! time last sekolah...g jalan2 pantai........

time ni kebosanan yang ter-amat..hehe..then kene sergah ngan cikgu....

ni Capit Ajim and Ipan

Naim Ipan Arip

hey!...masa form 4 aa!....

orang jala dok wifi plak!

hehe..masa SPM!!

ohooo....jejaka 5 Teknologi 1....rindu qowang!

hehe..time nak stdy ni..p haram tak..haha...Aten Nua Nad Vino

masa form 4...ngn Sir Padli

haha!...berapa bulan?

ya Allah...apehal la minah ni...hehehe...BOSAN WEYH!!


hari2 menjelang SPM!

mandi manda....masa form 4

ahh!...rindu weyh!

ni la bestfren aq!..MJ!

OKAY!....salah kereta....sbelah spatotnye...

masa nak tunang..haha..#over

i LOVE u

hey! n MJ!

MASA trial!

.:: w3Yh ::.


w3yh...Nua,Awer,Jamal,Ajim,Wan,Parames,Vino,and sume lah!....rindunye kat qorang weyh.....lame gila      dah tak jumpe qorang....hurm...rindu kenangan2 kita masa sekolah dulu... :( .....
rindu nak gurau2....rindu nak g kantin same2..rindu nak g co-op sme2....rindu nak skip klas sme2....and rindu nak wat Teacher Rohaya mrh sme2...Allah hai....siyes weyh..bile ingat blk persahabatan kita ni kan...aku rasa macam nak nangis je weyh....qowang... AKU RINDU QOWANG!!! .....apa la cite qowang skrg....sihat ke?...makan ke?....hurm...weyh!...sumpah demi Allah..aku btl2 rindu qorang....aku taktau nak cakap macam mana lagi..kalau boleh sekarang...aku nak pergi je jumpa qowang...haha...nak borak2 macam kan..pergi mana2..kita2 je...hehehe...termasok la skip kelas..betul tak?...kih3....weyh...ingat lagi an teacher kesayangan kita..hehe...rindu nak tgk gelagat die...hehehe...qorang rindu tak?...
hahaha...nanti kita wat reunion eh!!!...make sure sume ada k!..



.:: suk3nye! ::.

bagi salam dulu..
firstly,gosok dada aq nak cte skt sal membe aq ni...die ni mmg..sgt menyakitkan hati....tengok muke je w3yh!!!!...rasa macam nak gehget2 je je nak usik aq an..


cmni td..die makan2...makan makanan favourite aq plak tu...sedap plak tu..otak2...satar..and satay..hua...s3deh weyh!..sampai hati mu kan wat cmni....tapau aa skt untuk aq ni...qo tau kan aq suke makan bende2 tu...then leh lak chat..cite g makan..huaaaa!.. :(

sampainya hatimu....
membuat aku rindu..
pada makanan yang jauh..
bukannya mudah nak ku lupakan.....

haha..lirik lagu yang dihancuss kan oleh saya!....hehehehe ...okeh Fiq aka Angah.....nanti aq beli banyak2...makan depan mu sorang2......huahahahhahahahahahhahaha......


.::Oh! NO!::.Bila Kekasih Lama Datang Kembali, Apa Pendapat Anda?

Dulu, anda pernah berkenalan rapat dengan seseorang. Dia seorang kekasih yang baik, caring, dan pandai mengambil hati anda.

Tetapi disebabkan si dia ingin sambung study di oversea, perhubungan anda berdua terhenti di situ. Masing-masing membawa haluan sendiri. Dengan harapan, jika ada jodoh anda berdua akan berjumpa lagi.

Malangnya… Anda jenis yang tidak boleh keseorangan. Anda perlukan teman.
Selepas beberapa bulan, anda berkenalan pula dengan kekasih anda yang sekarang ini. Dia pun ok. Baik hati, peramah, dan juga pandai menjaga hati anda. Anda rasa happy dengannya.

(dipendekkan cerita…)

Kini, tiga tahun telah berlalu. Kekasih lama yang dulu sambung belajar di oversea telah pulang ke tanah air dan mencari anda semula

Setiap hari dia akan call dan SMS tanyakan khabar. Pada waktu itu jugalah datang semula kenangan-kenangan manis di saat anda berdua bercinta masa dulu-dulu.
Anda rasa serba salah. Anda tidak tahu apakah yang patut anda lakukan.
Adakah anda patut melupakan kekasih lama ini, atau meninggalkan kekasih yang anda ada sekarang ini?

So wahai rakan-rakan dan pembaca *-*tentang_diriku*-*, apakah yang akan anda lakukan jika anda berada dalam situasi yang sama seperti di atas?


Best Tips for a Better Relationship: Improving Your Relationship Can Be as Easy as Improving Yourself

Too many people are in relationships where they are blaming the other person for all their problems. Men, women, we all do it, but it's doesn't make for a healthy relationship. Making a relationship better though, can actually be quite simple. Ignore all the stuff that isn't really important and concentrate on the small little things that are. A healthy relationship can be yours, if you just follow these simple better relationship tips. You might be surprised at what happens!
1. Don't Say Things in Anger - We've all done it. Lost our temper in the middle of a fight with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife and shouted something we later regret. The first tip to help get a better relationship is simple. Don't say things in anger, because I'll guarantee you will regret them later. Take a deep breath, calm down and, once you're calm and had time to think, tell your partner what's really making you angry. Surprisingly, you'll often find out it's not the thing you thought it was, and you won't have to regret saying that it was.
2. Trust Your Partner - So many times I hear people complaining about their relationships, and then I realize they don't trust their partner. Never have. Without trust, a relationship will never be a healthy one. So, until you know any different, trust that what your partner is telling you and doing can be trusted. Men especially need to be trusted; it's the cornerstone of any healthy relationship with a woman. Trust him, and you could be shocked at how much healthier your relationship suddenly becomes because, after all, if you don't trust someone, they often start to do things you accused them of. After all, if you think they're doing it, they might as well. Right?
3. Be Complimentary - People love compliments, but very few of us in relationships actually give them. Men and women love compliments so give them freely. Men especially love to get compliments as, more than women, they very rarely receive them. Make a vow to yourself. Give your partner a new compliment at least two or three times a week and see how quickly your relationship will become better.
4. Stand Up To Your Partner - Don't let yourself be trodden on or rode roughshod over by your partner. Stand up for yourself and don't accept bad behavior. Surprisingly, the less you put up with bad behavior, the less likely you are to get it. Men and women respect people who respect themselves so stand up for yourself and your partner will respect you more too.
5. Always Think of 'We' - Too many people in relationships think about 'me' and not 'we'. A relationship is made up of two people. Make sure you make decisions that are healthy for both of you and your relationship will automatically become a better one.
6. Talk to Each Other - The best relationship advice in the world is this - talk to each other. When you've got problems or concerns, or things just don't seem to be going right, don't talk to your friends, talk to each other. Nobody else, except the people in the relationship really know what's going on in it or understands what the problems are. Talk to each other, don't hide anything, and work things out together.
7. Don't Treat Your Partner Like The Enemy - So many people treat their girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives, like the enemy. They're not. They're actually supposed to love you and you them so, if you're treating your partner like the enemy, stop it! Treat him or her like an ally and, unsurprisingly, they'll probably become one.
8. Talk About Your Partner The Way You Want Him/Her To Be - People usually become what we tell them they are. If we tell them they're "stupid", "lazy", "rude", "disrespectful", then that's what they usually become. But, if you are constantly telling them they are "smart", "handsome", "kind" and "a good person", fascinatingly, that's what they become. Never tell your partner that he or she is something negative or you may get what you didn't wish for.
9. Nagging is the Worst Thing You Can Do - Most men who have affairs often say it's because they lived with a nagger. Nothing they ever did was right, and most of it was wrong. Imagine going home every day and being told exactly what you're doing wrong. It's not surprising that many men have affairs because they want to be with someone who makes them feel good about themselves. When you feel yourself nagging, stop it. Nagging is absolute poison to a relationship and, besides, you married a grown-up right? So why do you suddenly have to become his mother?
10. Spend Time Together - Too many people are so obsessed with making money and buying stuff, they don't spend enough time with their partner. Spend quality time every day with your partner, even if it's just watching a TV show together, doing the dishes together, or putting the kids to bed together. It's the little things in a healthy relationship that keep it healthy but spending time together is a big one.
These better relationship tips are just a few things you should do if you want to be in a healthy relationship. Relationship advice is all very good but, if you don't follow it, or don't treat your partner like a human being then your relationship will fail. A better relationship can be just as easy as being kind, respectful and complimentary, and being your partner's friend. What's really sad is many of us treat our partners worse than we treat our friends. Think about how you treat your best friend and start treating your partner the same way and your relationship could be a healthy one in no time.

.:: g3ram! ::.

haish...tak dapat tdo la....nasib la si Eizaty Manan & Mario Petra teman aq....berborak sakan la kami..hehehe...boleh la..lagi2 ngn si Zaty ni ha..lme tak borak an...borak punye la borak...tiba2 die cakap tak masok sem nnt...nak pindah aa tu!...and mood aq pun mula la BERTUKAR!...tatau aa..sape nak kawan die pindah ann,,sedih aa ann...kurang lagi membe2 aq nnt..hurm... #taksuke!!
weyh Zaty...jgn aa pindah...sedeh nak jalan ngn Aten lagi nnt..(ok,tbe2 Aten masok)...
ahhahah...qo ni..lau ye pn la nak pndh....jumpe la ngn kteowg dulu weyh...please..namo aa pergi tanpa kata...hurm...hope qo dtg la jmpe k...
take care...

.:: A Thousand Years ::.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

lagu ni banyak bagi memori....even its just a sangat mendalam maknanya bg aku...rindunye dengan semua yang brkaitan dengan lagu ni....rindu sangat2....harap dapat putar balik masa tu....sing this song..listen to this song...listen to people sing this song...huaaa...really miss that....hurm....setiap hari saya menunggu awak....sayang jangan takut...saya mencintai awak untuk seribu tahun..untuk seribu tahun lagi....

Rabu, 25 April 2012

.:: kembali berbelog ::.

Ya Allah....Alhamdulillah..setelah sekian lama tidak berbelog ni....akhirnya Allah pertemukan semula aku dengan blog ni....hehehe...ok...miss blogging loo....huuu...yela...sorry sebab kesulitan yang tak dapat disenangka...maklumlah...wifi kat bilik hostel takde dh...haha...kesian....balik umah pn setahun sekali je loo...#lamenye!....biasa la...businesman la katakan...hehe....hurm....selama tak berbelog ni...macam2 dh yang aku lalui...kurus..gemOk...kecik besar..tinggi rendah..atas bawah...sakit sedap..sume ada la...kih3....banyak nak cite ni entahla....malas rasanya..hehehe..okeh!..tamat mukadimah....bye2...
